Making an advance decision about medical treatment avoids any misunderstanding on what your wishes are when you can no longer communicate them - DJF Chapman & Chubb Solicitors can help you plan ahead.
There may be a time when you can no longer share or communicate what you think. As difficult as that is to consider, making an advance decision can determine what happens to you at some time in the future – a time when you lack the capacity to either consent to or refuse medical treatment. What happens if you are in a coma? What about life-sustaining treatment? Or blood transfusions?
DJF Chapman & Chubb help you understand the legal position and how best to plan for the times when it applies. We discuss your situation taking consideration of any other matters such as Lasting Power of Attorney arrangements, if relevant. We explain what you should consider. And we only use plain and simple English. When you sign, you know you the peace of mind you have planned for.
For expert advice contact Chapman & Chubb Solicitors and arrange to meet with one of our lawyers – and start planning for your future.
Making an advance decision about medical treatment avoids any misunderstanding on what your wishes are when you can no longer communicate them – DJF Chapman & Chubb can help you plan ahead.
If you lose the ability to make decisions due to old age this can be difficult for relatives and loved ones. DJF Chapman & Chubb can help you plan ahead for a time when you can no longer share what you think.