When someone is unable to manage their finances due to lack of capacity the Court of Protection can appoint a Deputy to ensure their best interests are looked after.
Whilst it is preferable for a someone who knows the individual concerned to act as their Deputy, it is not always possible, perhaps because:
- The individual concerned has no suitable family members
- There is a conflict between family members
- Family members are unable to act due to their own ill health or other commitments
- There is a conflict of interest for that family member
- The person cannot act because of their own financial history
In these cases we offer a professional deputy service.
Our Head of Private Client Michelle acts as a professional deputy, appointed by the Court of Protection, to manage the property and affairs for those individuals who lack mental capacity to do so themselves, but have no relative or friend able to act on their behalf.
Michelle is Head of the Wills & Probate Team and a qualified Trust & Estate Practitioner with over 10 years experience working with Court of Protection clients previously as Director and Case Manager of her own Case Management Company working with Court of Protection Clients with Acquired and Traumatic Brain Injury both pre and post litigation, providing a full service to clients to ensure they receive the support they need and are entitled to. Also a Graduate member of the British Psychological Society and member of Headway with previous NHS experience Michelle feels strongly about promoting individuals best interests and voicing the rights of the vulnerable.
Michelle is supported by the DJF Chapman & Chubb’s Private Client team members, Ella, Jill, Beth and Zoe.
We strive to offer a professional service that embodies the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and ensures each client receives a service that is personalised to meet their requirements and adapts to their changing circumstances.
We started working with Michelle when she was a Case Manager and used our services to support a client through challenging behaviour situations. Our working relationship has developed over many years and her extensive health care and legal experience has helped get the best outcomes for clients. Michelle is always professional with a wealth of knowledge and realises every person needs an individual approach, working closely with families in the clients best interests. Her knowledge of the Court of Protection and how it applies to each individual to ensure that the client is both safeguarded and protected is exemplary.
– Zoe Chivers
Operations Director
Exclusive Secure Care Services
Michelle has worked with our family and my son for many years now as Financial Deputy. She truly understands the needs of our son and the impacts which having such a large professional team involved in our everyday lives brings. Nothing is too much trouble, response is always quick, and she truly is an integral part of ensuring every need my son has is pre-empted and met.
– Anonymous
Michelle came into our family life at a time of crisis, when I couldn’t see how we could ever manage another day, let alone the rest of our lives, it was all so overwhelming. She quickly took control in a calm professional manner and within the day we had a solid plan in place for how we needed to move forward with referrals made to relevant services and professionals. Whilst it wasn’t plain sailing, her dedication and great approach made things easier to manage – she absolutely understands the impacts on not only my son but on our family as a whole. I am happy to say a few years on that things are a whole lot easier, and we all have our lives back in one piece.
– Anonymous