A healthy business is one where shareholders and directors can disagree and challenge each other. Sometimes they fall out. DJF Chapman & Chubb can help you successfully manage any breakdown in relationships so that it does not damage your business.
Being a director is a responsible position. It is highly challenging too. Shareholders can be demanding. At times, this leads to differences in opinion. Disputes can arise over the business’ future strategy. Dividends and bonuses can cause disagreement. If there are family members or close friends involved, this can lead to questions about dealings between the business and them or another company. There are also statutory obligations that need to be observed by anyone in office.
Whatever the breakdown, finding a solution, and quickly, is important. DJF Chapman & Chubb will outline your options. If legal action is required, we will explain the consequences. It may be a resolution at a general meeting is enough or mediation may settle matters. Whatever we do, it will be carefully explained to you. Our professional advice will help you decide the best option as we’ll explain the likely outcome, expected timescales and we’ll ensure that you know the likely costs.
Contact one of our expert dispute solicitors, or call us on 01773 540 480 today to find out why many businesses trust us, .
A healthy business is one where shareholders and directors can disagree and challenge each other. Sometimes they fall out. DJF Chapman & Chubb can help you successfully manage any breakdown in relationships so that it does not damage your business.
No one enjoys a dispute. They are damaging, can be costly and time consuming. Mediation is an alternative way of resolving a dispute. DJF Chapman & Chubb can mediate for you so that you can focus on running your business.
Partnerships are like any commercial arrangement. When a dispute arises, resolving it without undue delay ensures the business is not damaged. DJF Chapman & Chubb can successfully help Partners achieve this.
Business disagreements can be damaging. They take time; can be protracted and very often costly. DJF Chapman & Chubb help resolve business disputes quickly which lets you get back doing what you do best – taking care of your business.