Planning ahead for when you die allows you to set out clearly who should get what from your estate. DJF Chapman & Chubb can help you think through your plans and their financial impact. Our aim is to ensure that your loved ones are provided for when you no longer can.
Planning for life after your death may be difficult. However, it is simply taking care of your family in the future. Your estate will be subject to Inheritance Tax thresholds and other matters. Planning now allows you to consider reliefs and exemptions. Having a Will ensures people know how to share out your estate exactly as you planned for it to be and that this is done in the most financially efficient way.
Taxes are one certainty in life. And they apply in death too. Tax planning involves thinking about your home, the value of any investments, trusts and the making of gifts to limit any tax implications. At DJF Chapman & Chubb, we understand the rules and implications of these decisions. We make a complex area of law and financial planning simple and use plain English to make certain you understand any decisions made.
Arrange an appointment with your local branch by calling 01773 540 480 and begin planning for your family’s future today.
Upon the death of a relative, administering their estate is an important step to undertake. In some circumstances, this is more difficult because there is no will or it is somehow invalid. Chapman & Chubb can guide you through what the right steps are.
Planning ahead for when you die allows you to set out clearly who should get what from your estate. DJF Chapman & Chubb can help you think through your plans and their financial impact. Our aim is to ensure that your loved ones are cared for when you no longer can.
For many of us, making a will is something we know we should do but never quite get round to. Of course, it’s important not to put it off and the good news is that at DJF Chapman & Chubb, making a will could be much quicker and easier than you think.
In an uncertain world it’s reassuring to know that our wishes will be respected even if we’re not in a position to make our own decisions. That’s why many people choose to create a lasting power of attorney (LPA) to provide protection should an accident or ill health prevent them from making decisions in the future.
The terms of a Will can cause distress. If there isn’t one, this is difficult too. Chapman & Chubb can advise on any matter where a will or inheritance is in dispute.