When you carry out business with another company, it is important to be clear on what terms this is being done. Many companies leave terms and conditions out until it is too late - when a disagreement arises. DJF Chapman & Chubb will ensure you do business on terms that suit you.

Terms and conditions of business set out the contract between two parties. At the point a contract is agreed – when an offer is made and accepted – you should consider on what terms any work will be done. You should think about payment terms and how you would deal with a disagreement if a product or service is of an unacceptable standard. You also need to think about any implied terms too. Doing this at the right time allows terms to be incorporated into your contract.

DJF Chapman & Chubb helps you understand how to protect your business. We help you agree terms of business that protect your rights, and limit your liabilities. We explain matters simply and in plain English. We ensure you understand what you are agreeing to. If that is not your intention, we advise you on what you need to do. You can trust our lawyers to give you expert advice on what terms to include, and how and when to incorporate them in to your contracts.

Our friendly, knowledgeable solicitors are here to provide all the help and advice you need so, if you’re looking for legal advice to support your business, please call us today on
01773 540 480.

Whether you are running your own business or are employed to run someone else’s, it is important to have the right legal foundations in place. It may sound dull but it is important. DJF Chapman & Chubb works with companies of every size, helping them to build the legal foundations they need to be successful.

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When you launch a new company, it is the most exciting of times. Making sure the company is properly formed, or incorporated, is an important first step. At Chapman & Chubb, we have helped many companies take this first step with confidence.

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When you enter in to an agreement, you hope that everything runs smoothly. Having legal documents that ensure this is the case provides you with peace of mind. We are experts in drafting contracts and other agreements and can ensure that your interests are protected no matter what.

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In today’s world, information is everywhere. It is more available and accessible than it has ever been. How you manage other people’s information, or data, is subject to certain legal obligations. DJF Chapman & Chubb protects you by ensuring you protect your data properly.

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Technology is now part of life – and business. It is hard to remember a time when businesses operated without the internet, emails or the use of other technologies including social media. A new and somewhat uncharted area of law DJF Chapman & Chubb can help you operate your IT and e-commerce solutions safely.

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Managing a bar, a club, a shop or a restaurant means you need to know about entertainment licences. DJF Chapman & Chubb can help you whether you are applying for or varying one – or there is a problem connected with your business’ licence.

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Running a business involves many disciplines. The most important, arguably, is management of the finances. DJF Chapman & Chubb helps business owners understand the necessary legal requirements. Practical advice put simply, leaving you to concentrate on what you do best – growing your business.

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Every business has a duty of care to its employees. This means making sure every employee leaves your workplace in the same healthy condition as when they arrived. DJF Chapman & Chubb understands health and safety regulations. More importantly, we understand how to turn them in to simple, practical advice.

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Working with another company can be one way to grow or diversify your own business. A joint venture is like any commercial relationship. Having the appropriate legal agreements in place ensures both sides are clear on their role and responsibilities.

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Setting up a business requires some thought on the most appropriate legal structure. Whatever the agreement, DJF Chapman & Chubb ensures the rights of those involved are properly taken care of.

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Protecting your idea is important to you. Making sure the law thinks so is important too. DJF Chapman & Chubb ensures your intellectual property is protected – your original ideas safeguarded as preciously as you created them.

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Complying with the relevant laws is important. Every business needs to be aware of their statutory obligations. At DJF Chapman & Chubb, we make sure you know what they are and how to fulfill them.

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When you carry out business with another company, it is important to be clear on what terms this is being done. Many companies leave terms and conditions out until it is too late – when a disagreement arises. DJF Chapman & Chubb will ensure you do business on terms that suit you.

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When you decide to run a business, there are times when you need a little help and support. Support with legal matters. Matters that help you take your business where you need it to go. DJF Chapman & Chubb understands what this feels like.

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Chapman & Chubb is a trading name of David J Foster & Co (Solicitors) Ltd, and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number 611804

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157 Nottingham Road
DE55 4JH

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Monday to Friday
9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm