The terms of a Will can sometimes cause distress. If there isn’t a Will in place this can be difficult too. DJF Chapman & Chubb can advise on any matter where a Will or inheritance is in dispute.

When a loved one passes leaving a Will, very often disagreement arises because of the terms of that Will. Disputes can arise about who or what is included or excluded and sometimes, whether there is a Will at all. Naturally, emotions run high and the only way to sort things out is by seeking expert guidance. DJF Chapman & Chubb can help you do things the right way, so you can have total peace of mind.

At DJF Chapman & Chubb, our role is to offer calm, friendly and professional advice. If you dispute any part of a Will, or the entire estate, we can explain what your rights are. We do the same if it is being disputed by another party. Options, costs and timescales will be discussed before we start work for you. Disputing an estate is a complex area of law. In everything that we do for you, we will explain using the plainest language we can. It is our job is to ensure you feel completely at ease.

Call us on 01773 540 480 or make contact with your local Chapman & Chubb  branch in either Somercotes or Alfreton and ask to see one of our specialist team.

Upon the death of a relative, administering their estate is an important step to undertake. In some circumstances, this is more difficult because there is no will or it is somehow invalid. Chapman & Chubb can guide you through what the right steps are.

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Planning ahead for when you die allows you to set out clearly who should get what from your estate. DJF Chapman & Chubb can help you think through your plans and their financial impact. Our aim is to ensure that your loved ones are cared for when you no longer can.

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For many of us, making a will is something we know we should do but never quite get round to. Of course, it’s important not to put it off and the good news is that at DJF Chapman & Chubb, making a will could be much quicker and easier than you think.

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In an uncertain world it’s reassuring to know that our wishes will be respected even if we’re not in a position to make our own decisions. That’s why many people choose to create a lasting power of attorney (LPA) to provide protection should an accident or ill health prevent them from making decisions in the future.

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The terms of a Will can cause distress. If there isn’t one, this is difficult too. Chapman & Chubb can advise on any matter where a will or inheritance is in dispute.

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Chapman & Chubb is a trading name of David J Foster & Co (Solicitors) Ltd, and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number 611804

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